
How To Repair Scrape Marks In Bathtub

How To Repair Cultured Marble
The Correct Way

Cultured marble repair may involve a simple cleaning procedure or a multi-step refinishing process depending on the severity of the impairment.

Cultured marble is a constructed combination of marble dust, polyester resin, and pigments topped past a clear gel glaze. It is not real marble.

How to repair cultured marble tub damage around drain Damage around cultured marble bathtub drain

Over the years, cultured marble countertops, sinks, tubs, and showers can suffer impairment such as pits, scratches, cracks, burns, stains, or yellowing which ruin the dazzler and the usability of the surface or brand information technology look tedious. is reader-supported. We recommend but products we know and trust. When y'all buy via links on our site we may earn a small commission at no cost to you. Learn more.

Can Cultured Marble Be Repaired?

Yes. Damage to cultured marble can be repaired to a near-new condition as long as the transparent gel coat layer on top is still intact.You can make DIY repairs, refinish, and polish the clear coating for pits, light burns, scratches, yellowing, and full general dullness.

However, once the protective coating is ruined, repairs become complicated.

The layer of color and design below the gel coat must exist restored and matched. This repair is complex. Then yous must use a new gel coat patch or layer.

Thus, deep burns, deep scratches, cracks in the sink or bathtub bleed, excessive wear, or anything that destroys the gel coat generally crave professional repair and refinishing.

Related content on repairing cultured marble:

  • Learn How To Clean Cultured Marble to avert many problems and maintain yours in adept condition.
  • Cultured Marble vs Real Marble is often a disruptive comparing. Learn the differences and similarities.
  • Cultured Marble vs Granite, Quartz and Corian

Can Cultured Marble Be Polished?

You can polish cultured marble and brand it shine again as long every bit the articulate, protective gel coat is withal intact. The coating is what makes it shiny. A cultured marble countertop, vanity, or shower may get dull over fourth dimension from wear, harsh cleaners, or not correctly maintaining the gel coat.

cultured marble repair: vanity top and sink prepared for polishing Refinishing a cultured marble vanity peak and sink

Procedures for restoring the shine vary depending on how dull or damaged the stop is currently.

  1. For slight dullness, apply a Topical Marble Smoothen or Gel Gloss cultured marble smooth and buff to a smooth with a microfiber cloth.
  2. For moderate dullness, apply an automotive "rubbing" compound past manus and buff to an even finish.
  3.  Adjacent, utilize an automotive "polishing" chemical compound and buff it to a shiny stop.
  4. Alternatively, utilize these sanding and polishing pads  which are swell for restoring the polish to worn cultured marble finishes.

  5. For severe dullness, Endeavour following the instructions below for removing deep scratches or this guide on How To Remove Burns in Cultured Marble.

If the in a higher place methods practice not make the cultured marble shine again, information technology's nigh certainly considering the protective gel glaze layer has been worn away or too severely damaged from stains, burns, or deep scratches.

Or your cultured marble vanity is a newer multifariousness made with a matte finish.

Proceed reading below to larn how you lot can repair cultured marble chips, scratches, burns, stains, and yellowing.

Merely if the gel coat is gone or just too damaged, yous'll need to hire a cultured marble refinishing professional person to fix any problems, prep the base layer, and utilize a new gel coat.

Cultured marble refinishing kits are primarily aimed at covering over or painting cultured marble vs. restoring the color, pattern, and look of the original countertop, cultured marble bathtub, or shower walls.

Repairing Scratches in Cultured Marble

Most scratches are lite finish scratches that come from sliding items on the surface under everyday use and are buffed out with the right product.

Don't use knives or tools on the surface, and avoid dropping heavy or sharp objects that could dent, gouge, or cause deep scratches. Don't use annoying cleaners.

Removing Scratches on a High Gloss or Matte Terminate

To remove fine scratches and restore the high-gloss shine on your cultured marble, endeavor the following:

  • High Gloss End: Invest in a power polishing-buffing tool to utilise the Gel Gloss Product made specifically for polishing cultured marble.
  • Always employ light pressure and check your progress often.
  • Or use a quality automotive polishing compound.

    Note: a "rubbing" compound is more annoying, so don't starting time with that. If the Gel Gloss or "polishing" compound doesn't remove the scratch, then go back and buff with this "rubbing" chemical compound followed by buffing with the "polishing" chemical compound or Gel Gloss production.

  • Matte Finish: Use m+ fine-grade wet/dry sandpaper to buff out the scratches, marks, or stains. The in a higher place method for a "gloss" finish can work as well so long as you don't polish to a shine. Matte terminate is not shiny.
  • Another good selection is to utilise the Micro-Mesh Polishing Pads. These provide a stride-by-step organisation to remove the scratch and restore the finish to either a matte or sleeky shine.

Repairing Deep Scratches

It may exist all-time to rent a professional repair technician for these more circuitous bug or other issues with your cultured marble shower or countertop.

However, you lot have some DIY options that can work very well only require a procedure.

Step ane:

Sand the scratch with 1000 to 1200-dust wet/dry sandpaper. Use low-cal pressure and be very careful non to sand off all the gel coat.

The gel coat is just 20 - 50 mils thick. One "mil" equals .001 inch, so information technology is super sparse. If you sand through the gel coat, you lot may start sanding into the color layer.

The color and design exercise not go all the way through a cultured marble canvass or countertop, so you run a risk creating a more than problematic blotch that volition crave professional refinishing.

Depending on the depth of the scratch, y'all may demand to use 600-grit or even 300-dust sandpaper, but best to start with the super-fine 1200-grit newspaper first.

Step ii:

Next, apply the automotive "rubbing" compound by hand over the repair.

Apply the chemical compound using a ability buffer with a quality pad for larger areas. Practice not use much pressure level to avoid thinning the gel coat.

Step three:

Buff with an automotive "polishing" compound by hand or with a power buffer and lite pressure level.

Pace 4:

Finally, apply a coating of Gel Gloss for cultured marble or automotive wax.

Can Croaky Cultured Marble Be Repaired?

Cracks in cultured marble can often be repaired. Make full minor cracks with the Pit & Chip Repair Clear Gel. Large or deep cracks that run through the clear coating and into the core of the cultured marble sink or countertop, make DIY repair exceptionally challenging. Hiring a pro is recommended.

repairing cultured marble sink cracks around drain Cracks in cultured marble sink

The cadre is the mix of marble or limestone dust, hardened resins, and dyes for the base color. The characteristic swirl pattern is applied on top of this core.

Once more, you can fill small-scale cracks with the clear gel acrylic recommended above. Although, this repair may remain slightly visible.

The best choice is to hire a professional cultured marble repair company for a consummate repair.

A pro will likely grind down the core until the cracks are removed. Then rebuild the core in that expanse using special products to friction match the color, pattern, and finish of the original.

Why does cultured marble crack?

Cultured marble cracks normally occur in the sink due to "thermal shock" from hot water.

This occurs when a cold surface is suddenly or repeatedly exposed to hot water. It seems crazy since hot h2o is frequently used in a cultured marble sink, tub, or shower.

You can certainly use hot water. Typically, a fissure will not develop with simply ane instance of hot water exposure.

Cracks develop when a sink basin or shower pan has experienced repeated exposure to very hot h2o (for example, a human running hot water in a cultured marble bathroom sink to shave every morn).

An touch on from dropping something heavy on a countertop edge or corner could also cause a crack or chip. A professional person (vs. diy kit) is the best pick to repair such astringent damage.

However, you can rapidly repair or fill a small pit or chip with DIY products (see Pit section below).

Fixing Pits & Chips

Shallow pits tin often exist sanded out and repaired simply like a scratch. However, you need to fill deeper pits or chips in vanity tops or edges.

The easiest method to fill pits is to utilize a clear Pit & Chip Repair Kit, which allows the color and design to show through for a nearly invisible repair.

For deep pits or fries that get all the way through the clear glaze and color layer, you'll want to make full these with a colour-matched epoxy. This repair will be visible.

Or hire a professional to try and friction match the colour and pattern better.

Burn Marking Removal

Cultured marble is burned rather easily as it is basically a hard plastic. Curling irons are a common culprit on a bath vanity along with cigarettes.

Burns tin exist removed in most cases with a fleck of elbow grease.

Follow these step-by-pace instructions for removing burns in cultured marble.

Sometimes it'south an piece of cake ready. More severe burns require an involved process that is still suitable for a DIY project if the pinnacle layer gel-coat is notwithstanding intact.

If the burn has destroyed the acme coating, then professional repair is required. However, the above page link provides complete details.

Removing Stains & Yellowing

Since the manufactory-applied fiberglass gel coat is non-porous, it is exceptionally stain-resistant. Typically stains exercise not occur unless that blanket is worn or damaged in some way.

how to remove cultured marble stain - dark stain on bathtub surround Stain on cultured marble bathtub surround

But if you practice stain your cultured marble counter, you may have luck removing it by the post-obit method:

  1. Outset, use a quality marble cleaner and a non-abrasive pad. Lather should not exist used as a regular all-the-time cleaner as information technology will build upward a tedious grimy film no matter how much you rinse.
  2. If that doesn't work, try cleaning with denatured booze.
  3. Lastly, comprehend the stain with a material or newspaper towel soaked in hydrogen peroxide and let it sit for a few hours, but check it regularly for possible damage to the cease.

Hydrogen peroxide (like vinegar which is often recommended to clean cultured marble) is acidic, and sometimes acids or loftier-element of group i cleaners can impairment the cultured marble surface.

Always test any product or chemical you intend to use on a more hidden surface area to ensure information technology won't impairment or discolor your cultured marble or cultured granite.

For removing hairspray, boom smoothen, or ink, try the first two steps above (marble cleaner or booze).

If neither works, try wetting a textile with acetone and rubbing but only after carefully testing in a hidden area. Be sure to rinse and clean thoroughly with soapy water to eliminate all acetone residue.

Remove Yellowish Discoloration

To repair cultured marble that has yellowed over time, you lot tin can try scrubbing it with a non-abrasive pad and a diluted bleach solution.

Run into our How To Clean Cultured Marble That Has Yellowed guide for complete instructions. Yous must use bleach carefully. The above page has all the details.

FAQ: Cultured Marble Repair & Refinishing

Does cultured marble scratch hands?

Yep. Cultured marble is made with resins and footing limestone covered with a clear protective coating. Substantially information technology is difficult plastic, so information technology does scratch easily. You can buff out light scratches from sliding objects with polishing compounds, just deep scratches or cuts crave a more extensive repair and peradventure professional help.

Tin can cultured marble be sanded?

Yes, you can sand cultured marble with extremely fine sandpaper (1200-dust) to repair scratches, remove stains or burns, and refinish the surface. Exist cautious non to sand through the clear topcoat. This protective coating must remain intact in order to polish the finish dorsum to its original shine. Follow instructions provided in a higher place.

Tin can cultured marble exist reglazed?

Yep, information technology is possible to reglaze cultured marble with a new transparent protective gel glaze layer. This process is needed only if the original topcoat was severely damaged or removed equally part of an all-encompassing refinishing process.

A professional is recommended, only you may go every bit good results by applying this clear epoxy coating.

Can you change the color of cultured marble?

You cannot change the original pattern and color of cultured marble, which is broiled into the core and covered with articulate acrylic. Nevertheless, yous can change the color of cultured marble past painting it or applying an epoxy coating to cover the entire original surface.

Tin can cultured marble be painted?

Yeah, cultured marble countertops tin be painted to alter the color and pattern. You lot must use special paint for cultured marble for a durable and stylish finish. Just yous can practice it yourself.

Yous tin repair cultured marble in about cases by post-obit the DIY procedures outlined to a higher place to set up the specific type of damage. One time repaired, utilize a polish periodically to maintain the polish and color.

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